Friday, July 29, 2016

Pioneertown Publishes Oblong, IL Poems

Postcard  of Oblong, Illinois
from Penny Postcards from Illinois
pioneertown. has published a selection from my memoir that revolves around Oblong, Illinois, the village where my father grew up in the 1940s, many years before my arrival in the 1980s.

You can read the pieces here or copy/paste this link into your browser:

The pieces are from my memoir, tentatively entitled The Girl's Made of Bone. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Compassion, Writing, and Running--Not in That Order

Photograph by Erin Pringle-Toungate.
CC license, please attribute accordingly
The fine people over at Howlarium recently asked writers about meditation, compassion, and writing as part of their series in which writers respond to, in my experience, complicated thoughts. As I've begun training for a half-marathon, having never been a serious runner, and as I'm experiencing the feelings that come with having a toddler who, quite often, finds my advice not simply incorrect but mildly reprehensible, this was my response:

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Whole World at Once

I'm pleased to announce that my next book, The Whole World at Once, a collection of stories, will be published by West Virginia University Press/Vandalia Press in Spring 2017.