Photographers Kirby and Cindy Pringle have finished their third Happy Tails children's book, The Butterfly That Would Not Fly. Main characters, Earl and Pearl, discover an acrophobic butterfly and attempt to help the butterfly migrate to Mexico.
The Pringles are offering pre-order of The Butterfly That Would Not Fly through Kickstarter in order to help defray the printing costs for the 32-page, full-color book. Readers may contribute any amount to the project; with a $20 donation comes an autographed, and paw-o-graphed, copy of the book.
From the photographers: "We're very excited about the new book. We also hope to inspire people to grow flowers and milkweed to help the butterflies."
To pre-order a copy of The Butterfly That Would Not Fly, go to the book's page on
Kickstarter is a website where artists post either project ideas or completed projects in order to find funding. Sometimes, the artist(s) asks for a partial amount necessary to fund the project, outside of other funding that they already have; or the artist(s) asks for full funding.

From the photographers: "We're very excited about the new book. We also hope to inspire people to grow flowers and milkweed to help the butterflies."
For more information about the Pringles, outside of their Kickstarter page, please see their website, Dogtown Artworks.