Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pre-order now available for The Whole World at Once

My newest collection of stories, The Whole World at Once, is now available for pre-order through the publisher's website (West Virginia Press/Vandalia Press). 


Set within a backdrop of small towns and hard-working communities in middle America, The Whole World at Once is a collection of intense stories about the experience of loss. Pringle weaves together spellbinding tales amidst shadowed and foreboding physical and emotional landscapes where each of the characters is in motion against her surroundings, and each is as likely as the next to be traveling with a ghost. A soldier returns home from multiple tours only to begin planting landmines in the field behind his house; kids chase a ghost story up country roads only to become one themselves; one girl copes with the anniversary of her sister’s disappearance during the agricultural fair, while another girl searches for understanding after seeing the picture of a small boy washed onto a beach.

In language that is at once both stark and rich, we enter the lives of the characters deliberately, in slow scenes—time enough for a bird to sing as a man and a girl, strangers, fall to their knees—that are inevitable yet laced with the unpredictable. Dark, strange beauties, all of the stories in The Whole World at Once follow the lives of people grappling with what it means to live in a world with death.


You can also read reviews, the table of contents, and more. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Pioneertown Publishes Oblong, IL Poems

Postcard  of Oblong, Illinois
from Penny Postcards from Illinois
pioneertown. has published a selection from my memoir that revolves around Oblong, Illinois, the village where my father grew up in the 1940s, many years before my arrival in the 1980s.

You can read the pieces here or copy/paste this link into your browser:

The pieces are from my memoir, tentatively entitled The Girl's Made of Bone. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Compassion, Writing, and Running--Not in That Order

Photograph by Erin Pringle-Toungate.
CC license, please attribute accordingly
The fine people over at Howlarium recently asked writers about meditation, compassion, and writing as part of their series in which writers respond to, in my experience, complicated thoughts. As I've begun training for a half-marathon, having never been a serious runner, and as I'm experiencing the feelings that come with having a toddler who, quite often, finds my advice not simply incorrect but mildly reprehensible, this was my response:

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Whole World at Once

I'm pleased to announce that my next book, The Whole World at Once, a collection of stories, will be published by West Virginia University Press/Vandalia Press in Spring 2017. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

When Words Lead to Words, An Interview by Awst

For the past several weeks, my fiction has been featured at Awst Press.  Today, the feature closes with an interview about my chapbook, The Wandering House, which is now available to purchase through Awst.  Some additional topics in the interview: grief, folktales, and the rural Midwest. In other words, what I write about.  The interview was done by Liz Blood.
Artwork by Christa Blackwood; cover design by LK James for Awst

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Up in the high mountains live the Nortang Bears

My flash fiction/very short story, "The Nortang Bears," is being featured at Awst Press today.  "The Nortang Bears" was originally published in the publication, Sand Journal in Berlin, located in Germany.

Awst has been featuring my work for the past two weeks. The feature will end tomorrow with an interview with me, as well as the release of my chapbook, The Wandering House. You can read more of my stories here: Awst Feature.

Follow Awst on Twitter: @AwstPress

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

When grief becomes your mother

A Home, Copyright Erin Pringle-Toungate
My story "And Yet" is the feature today over at Awst Press.  "And Yet" revolves around a dying boy who is trying to pick the right moment to tell his mother that he's ready to go home. The story appears in my collection The Floating Order.

Awst Press is an independent publisher in Austin, TX that's up to good.  Please explore their site as well as other works of mine that they have featured over these two weeks: Awst.

Follow Awst on Twitter: @AwstPress

Monday, February 29, 2016

A man ate a rabbit

"Wild Rabbit" by William Andrus, used under CC license
My feature over at Awst Press continues through this week. Today's story is "The Rabbit," which was originally published in one of my very favorite magazines, Big Pulp.

Other stories of mine on Big Pulp:

Follow Awst on Twitter: @AwstPress