Saturday, December 9, 2023

Erin Pringle on Rendezvous with a Writer OutWest, December 14

On December 14, I'll be chatting with Bobbi Jean Bell and her husband Jim on their radio show Rendezvous with a Writer. I'm especially looking forward to the discussion because I've talked about my other two books with Bobbi Jean Bell on The Writer's Block, an LA Talk Radio show she co-hosted with her friend Jim Christina. 

I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Bobbi and Jim. They'd read the books, had real questions, and we told good jokes between the more poignant exchanges. After our discussion about The Whole World at Once, Jim sent me a coffee mug with the show's name on it, and a book that he thought I'd like. During our second interview, this time about Hezada! I Miss You, Jim and I decided we'd meet up for lunch at a diner, as he'd moved to Idaho not so far from me. 

But before we hammered out the details, Jim died. 

You'd think that having only talked to him for two hours in my life that I would not have cried on and off the day I learned, but of course I did. Maybe it's because writing is an extremely personal thing--I put all that I am into it. Maybe because my writing largely revolves around grief and death, and so in talking to Jim and Bobbi about the stories, I connected them to the people I have cherished and lost. And so talking with Jim and Bobbi over the years about my writing has been important and real. 

When Unexpected Weather Events, my new book of stories, was about to be published, I reached out to Bobbi to let her know about it. She invited me to talk about the book on her other radio show, Rendezvous with a Writer OutWest. She has hosted it for a number of years, and while I do not write Westerns, I do live out west, and so here we are.

Please tune in to hear the show.

Rendezvous with a Writer OutWest

December 14, 2023

6 PM (PST)

Also, The Writer's Block episodes are still available:
